Our Services
Hansen Advertising is the largest local media buyer on the Central Coast which allows us to get you the best prices possible across any and all mediums. So your message has the frequency it needs to succeed and generate sales.
From Ideas to Sales
All advertising starts with your core message–your marketing statement or tag line describing who you are, what you provide and how you provide it. This is not easy to sum up! We help you find that focus and create a statement that shows why you're different.
We work to find who your customers really are by combining your sales data with national, local, and regional information. Then we build a message that attracts them, plus consumers you may be missing out on.
We create words and images that sell, in a custom campaign and advertising plan.
“The right message, with a motivating offer, advertised to the right audience, repeated enough times, always gets results.”
Advertising Planning
Keep this in mind about buying advertising on the Central Coast: All Advertising Works. From print coupons to network TV, it all works–you just need to do it correctly! You need to target the right message to the right people while factoring in consistency and frequency. That gets results.
We create a plan based on your audience, as well as a message or offer, then match that up with the correct medium and turn out creative content that will bring them in.
TV, Radio & Print Production
Traditional media is a powerful tool in your advertising mix. Whether you want to reach people on cable or app-based tv, in their cars and on their music apps, we manage it all for you and reach your customers where they are.
We also handle all aspects of your tv commercial shoot, from concept and scripts, to coaching, directing and even acting (when needed). You'll get a tv commercial you love that delivers results, like this one for new homes in Santa Barbara Wine Country.
Digital Advertising
While still effective, the days of focusing just on traditional advertising mediums are gone. You have to have a digital presence to reach your customers where they spend the most time - on their phones, tablets, and computers.
At Hansen Advertising, we have generated significant results using vehicles like Google Ad words, You Tube Pre-Roll Ads, Pandora, Digital Display and Pre-Roll, Digital Fencing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Digital Press Releases to reach Google News and of course Social Media Ad Campaigns and Platform Management.
We are on the forefront of the next new wave of reaching the new consumer who wants their advertising tailor-made just for them.
Let us be your expert guide into the digital world.
With 90% of purchase decisions being made online, you can’t afford to not be there.
Social Media & Email Marketing
How do you keep your business top-of-mind in today's age, where 7 in 10 Americans use social media every day? If you want to connect and engage with your customers, you need social media marketing.
Current customers need to hear more from you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and Email Newsletters. And new customers need to be able to find you!
Need a stellar Instagram feed or Facebook page?
Maintaining content on the world’s most-viewed social media sites is time consuming. We’ll help you gain fans, engage with content and increase positive perception of your business.
Web Design
The hardest part of creating or redesigning a website is time.
In today's world, a business owner can create their own website. However, having the time to focus on that can be a roadblock. We do the work for you; whether you have the content or need it created, we take care of everything. We work with you and your team to facilitate making your new website a reality.
Rebranding? No problem. We'll help you pick a template that works for you in Squarespace, Wix or Wordpress so you'll get a Google-friendly, mobile-optimized site with world-class technology at a fraction of the price. On time.
We guarantee your satisfaction. Once your site is created, we'll show you and your staff how to update it with ease, and we're always here to help.